File Menu Use this menu to create, open and close Recipe Files, and to print recipe material. Not available because a dialog is active. File Menu Use this menu to create, open and close Recipe Files, and to print recipe material. Opens a window for editing terms in this part of the Dictionary. Not available because only one Dictionary-editing window can be open at a time. Opens a window for editing terms in this part of the Dictionary. Displays a dialog for tailoring Mangia!'s behavior to your tastes. Displays the contents of the Clipboard. Not available because Mangia does not support this operation. Selects all of the text or everything in the list. Not available because nothing in the front window can be selected. Selects all of the text or everything in the list. Remove the selected material, but don't save it for later Pasting. Not available because nothing is selected, or what's selected can't be removed. Remove the selected material, but don't save it for later Pasting. Pastes material over the current selection. Not available because nothing has been Cut or Copy-ed that can be Pasted here. Pastes material over the current selection. Copies selected material for Pasting elsewhere. Not available because nothing is selected that can be Pasted. Copies selected material for Pasting elsewhere. Deletes the selected material and saves it for Pasting elsewhere. Not available because nothing is selected, or what's selected can't be cut from here. Deletes the selected material and saves it for Pasting elsewhere. Restore the last removed material. Not available because the window where it was Cleared is not in front. Restore the last removed material. Clear the restored material again. Not available because the window where it was Cleared is not in front. Clear the restored material again. Restores the material as it was before the Cut. Not available because the window where it was Cut is not in front. Restores the material as it was before the Cut. Remove the material that was just Pasted. Not available because the window where it was Pasted is not in front. Remove the material that was just Pasted. Restore the Pasted material. Not available because the window where it was Pasted is not in front. Restore the Pasted material. Restore the previous Paste-able material. Not available because the window where the Copy was done is not in front. Restore the previous Paste-able material. Makes the selected material Paste-able again. Not available because because the window where it was selected is not in front. Makes the selected material Paste-able again. Do the same Cut again. Not available because the window where it was Cut is not in front. Do the same Cut again. Restore the text as it was before you started typing. Not available because the window where it was typed is not in front. Restore the text as it was before you started typing. Restore the recently typed and Undone material. Not available because the window where it was typed is not in front. Restore the recently typed and Undone material. Reverses the effect of the last editing operation. Not available because nothing has been done, or because the window where it was done is not in front. Reverses the effect of the last editing operation. Menu item not available because a dialog is active. Edit Menu Use this menu to cut, copy, paste and delete text and recipes. Not available because a dialog is active. Edit Menu Use this menu to cut, copy, paste and delete text and recipes. Also includes items to edit the dictionary and preferences. This is the quarter the recipe was published. Selects this as the quarter the recipe was published. Select here if this timing for the recipe is unknown or unclear. The recipe has this estimated time. Select here to declare this (estimated) time for the recipe. This is the two-month date the recipe was published. Selects this as the two-month date the recipe was published. This is the month that this recipe was published. Selects this month for the date this recipe was published.